Tec Rec

Diver Tec Rec 50

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To begin the course of Diver DSAT Tec Deep 50,

banner4-Fthe candidate has to perform the following criteria:

1. Be N3 CMAS or of an upper level,
2. To be diver Padi Enriched Air or to detain a qualification amounts,
3. To be diver Padi Deep Diver or to detain a qualification amounts
4. Have registered a minimum of 1OO dives, among which at least 20 were realized in the enriched air, 25 beyond 18m and at least 15 beyond 30m,
5. Be 18 years old,
6. To have a medical certificate confirms (-12 months),

The course

The course Diver Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50 is conceived to present you the necessary essential exercises in technical dive and qualifies you to make changes of gas, long high dives without decompression stops, high dives with decompression stops and high dives for decompression accelerated by means of air, of enriched air and of oxygen since 50m up to the surface, by using of the technical diving equipment. When you will have filled all the requirements of the course you will be certified diver Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50
The course of Diver Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50 lasts 5 days including the development of the knowledge, the practical applications, the exercises in marine environment and the high dives,
Compulsory supplies
Every candidate is asked to have the following supplies
1. Manuel Tec Deep Diver,
2. His diving equipment, (possibility of on-the-spot rent)
Financial participation
Training Diver Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50, 5 jrs,
Understanding, the tanks for dive Nitrox, deco O ², gas, training,  teaching equipment, certification, and the cost of the boat dives, 1 490€ VAT included

Instructor Tec Rec 50

To begin the course of Instructor DSAT Tec Deep 50, the candidate has to fill the following criteria:
1. Renewed Open Water Scuba Instructeur or of an upper level,
2. PADI Enriched Air Specialty Instructor or to have realized a training PADI enriched air Specialty Instructor,
3. PADI Deep Diver Specialty Instructor or to have realized a training PADI Deep Diver Specialty Instructor,
4. Have certified at least de10 Divers in Spé Padi Nitrox and Spé Padi Deep (or a conjugation of 2 Spé Padi)
5. Have registered a minimum of 1OO dives, among which at least 20 were realized with enriched air, 25 beyond 18m and at least 15 beyond 30m,
If you are not a PADI Enriched Air Instructor and PADI Deep Diver Specialty Instructor you can do these training courses in three days only

The course

The course of Instructor Padi DSAT Tec 50 is divided into two segments. The first one is intended for the Instructors who are not Tec Deep Diver 50 or who have no equivalent qualification. The course is conceived to present you the necessary essential skills in technical dive and qualifies you to make changes of gas, long high dives without decompression stops, high dives with decompression stops and high dives for decompression accelerated by means of air, of enriched air and oxygen since 50m up to the surface, by using technical diving equipment. When you will have filledall the requirements of the first segment you will be certified diver Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50 and will so approach the second segment.

The second segment of the course is intended for the Instructors who are already diver Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50 or who have an equivalent certification. It is intended to improve your knowledge and your capacities in technical dive and will bring to you the pedagogy and the techniques necessary for teaching the course Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50.
The training course of Instructor DSAT Tec Deep 50, in lasts 5 days including the development of the knowledge, the practical applications, the skills in open water and the high dives,

Prerequisites to the certification

To be certified Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50 Instructor, the candidate must have finished successfully the course Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50 Instructor and validate the formalities below before sending his application to Padi,
1. Renewed PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer or more,
2. Padi DSAT Tec Deep 50 Diver, or equivalent,
3. PADI Enriched Air Speciality Instructor,
4. PADI Deep Diver Speciality Instructeur,
5. Have assisted at least two courses Padi DSAT Tec Deep Diver or in a course Padi DSAT Tec Diver and a course Padi Tec Deep 50 Diver. To answer this requirement you can also participate in the course DSAT Tec Deep 50 Instructor,
6. Have a minimum of 270 registered high dives among which 25 with decompression in a superior depth in 40m,
7. Have certified at least 10 PADI Deep Diver or / and Divers PADI Enriched Air, the combination both is possible.
Compulsory supplies Every candidate is asked to have the following supplies

  1.  Manuel Tec Deep Diver,
  2. The guide of the Instructor Tec Deep Diver,
  3.  Slates immergeables of the Instructor Tec Deep,

Financial Participation

Training DSAT Tec Deep Instructor 5 jrs,
Understanding, the tanks for the Nitrox dive, deco O ², gas, training, the multimedia supports,
Except teaching equipment and certification, exceptboat dives, excluding charges of life and accommodation, excluding charges travel, 1 100€ VAT included
Fee complementary optional

Boat dives payment directly at the center 80€ / dive / pax